Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Great Deal on Kool-Aid, Mac ‘n’ Cheese, & sugar at Meijer this week!

Kool-Aid packets are on sale $2 for 20 at Meijer this week. In addition, when you buy 20, you can get a free 5-pack of Kraft macaroni and cheese for FREE!

Here is the scenario:

Purchase 20 of the Kool-Aid packets, 2 bags of sugar (my Meijer had sugar for $2.79) and 1 5-pack of the mac n' cheese. Use 2 of the coupons from the 6/21 SmartSource - (buy 10 packets of Kool-Aid, get $2 off any sugar). Also, if you printed the $.50 off 10 packets of Kool-Aid from last month now is a great time to use them!

So depending on if you have the extra coupons or not, you can get the 20 packs of Kool-Aid, 5-pack of Mac 'n' Cheese and 2 bags of sugar for around $3.58 or $2.58 with the coupons! Not too bad :-)


Leticia said...

Thanks so much for your blog!

My Meijer let me get Domino powdered sugar (I guess since the coupon said "any sugar"), which was on sale for < $2.00/bag. Therefore, my OOP = 2.00! I plan on picking up Splenda another day when it's on sale to make the Kool-Aid.

Saving money in West Michigan said...

Awesome! I didn't even think about venturing past regular sugar! Thanks for the heads up and thank you for visiting my site :)