Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Great deal on Nestle Refrigerated Cookies at Meijer!

Meijer currently has Nestle refrigerated cookie dough on sale for 2/$4

Go here to print off two manufacturers coupons for $1/1  Nestle cookie dough (you may need to register to access coupons) and then, go to the Meijer Mealbox widget in my sidebar to print off a coupon good for $1.10/2 packages

That should bring the total for 2 packages down to .90 cents for two or .45 cents each!!!

Most sites will let you print up to two coupons so remember to hit that back button and get your second coupon!

Happy baking!


Unknown said...
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preppy little dress AKA "PLD" said...

Thanks, I actually used it yesterday at Walmart- ops! I posted the story on my blog....too funny! It worked and I honestly thought I was at Meijer! ha! ha!