Friday, May 8, 2009

GREAT deals at Target, Kmart and Walmart!

Two more great days of shopping!!!!

Below are my purchases from my shopping today. I stopped at Kmart, Target and Walmart and picked up the following:

and my purchases from Kmart and Meijer yesterday:

Total BEFORE coupons/sales for everything pictured above = $130.93
Total spent OOP for everything pictured above= $35.67

- $3.80 in bottle return deposits
- $3.00 Kmart gift card reward
- $3.36 balance on Target gift card

After you figure in the money I will get back from the three items above, I figure it actually cost me $25.51 for everything!!! WOW!

Here's the breakdown:

Still enjoying their SUPER DOUBLES coupon extravaganza! I could completely get used to shopping with double coupons...too bad that is not reality around here! Anyway, here is the breakdown of my GREAT Kmart purchases from the last two days (had to go twice in hopes that they would restock some items - which they did!!)

Day 1
Total BEFORE coupons/sales =$30.62
Total spent OOP = $8.62
Plus I received a Ka-ching reward good for the 1 FREE Reese's peanut butter cup shown below!

Day 2
Total BEFORE coupons/sales = $19.78
Total spent OOP = $3.11
PLUS I received a Ka-Ching reward for a $3 Kmart gift card essentially making everything below cost me .11 cents!!!!!

Total BEFORE coupons/sales = $35.46
Total spent OOP = $14.03 (of which I will get $3.80 back for my bottle deposit)

This was a great day at Target! I made two transactions and bought the following:

1st transaction:
Total before coupons/sales = $27.61

Total spent OOP = $8.78
PLUS I received (2) $5.00 gift cards from their candle promotion so basically spent $8.78 and received $10!

Which I turned around and purchased the following:

2nd transaction:
Total before coupons/sales =$11.62
Total after coupons/sales = $6.64
Total spent OOP = ZERO!! as I used the $10 in gift cards to pay for my purchase and have $3.36 remaining on one of my gift cards!!!

Walmart - No individual pictures, but for 2 Tabasco sauces and 4 travel size lint rollers I paid $1.13 for $5.84 worth of merchandise!

I am feeling pretty good!! Especially since a handful of the items above I will be using for my son's first communion party next weekend! I will blog about that later though as I plan on challenging myself to have a great party for my son - and not break the bank!


April said...

great buys!

Alice said...

Impressed with your shopping skills.!! Well, I too got some huge discount offers at Kmart.